Pharmacy-quality micronutrients
Highest pharmacy quality & purity at the best price
Made in Austria
startklar & bestens geschützt durch den Winter
Cistus Immune 365
der stärkste Immunbooster
mit Vitamin C, D und Zink
Husten formula
Hustenstiller & Schleimlöser
rein pflanzlich
Immune L-Lysine + Vitamin C
stark wirksam
bei "lästigen" Fieberblasen
Schlaf vital
rasch Einschlafen
gut erholt in den Tag
Top pharmacy quality & purity
Our micronutrient, plant and herbal products are among the best of their kind and meet the highest quality standards. Pure substances without preservatives, fillers, colourants, auxiliaries and additives.

About us
EncorMed® is an Austrian company specialising in the production of high-quality, pure orthomolecular micronutrients, vitamins, minerals and trace elements without allergy-causing additives, auxiliary substances, preservatives or colourings. We pledge to use the best raw materials on the market, with resource-saving, energy-efficient, environmentally friendly and climate-neutral production in compliance with the highest quality standards and provide full declarations of all ingredients used and implement all legal requirements.
As an Austrian company with many years of experience in the field of micronutrients, we are happy to take responsibility for you and our environment.